What You Need To Know About Plastic Stadium Cups

No event or social gathering is complete without awesome food and cold, refreshing beverages. At restaurants and bars, sports games, weddings, theme parks, celebrations or holiday parties, plastic stadium cups are commonly used as souvenirs or to hold drinks. They are also usually part of a beverage promotional deal where for instance, if you buy the cup with your drink, you’ll get free refills.  

What are Plastic Stadium Cups?

If you haven’t heard of the term “stadium cup”, chances are that you’ve probably seen one without realizing what it’s called. Stadium cups are typically sold together with the beverage of your choice. They are plastic drinkware that are decorated with catchy slogans or designs associated to an event. The prints on plastic stadium cups are often used as a form of marketing or business promotional tool. Usually, attendees of an event will keep the stadium cups as souvenirs. These cups often make for great conversation starters when the designs or text on them pique people’s interest.

As opposed to regular disposable cups which are only used once before they are being disposed of, plastic stadium cups are reusable cups. Although the concept of a stadium cup is a relatively modern one, stadium cups have actually been around for decades. The idea for stadium cups originated from disposable paper cups, which have been traced back to Imperial China in the second century. Stadium cups then made their way into American pop culture in the early 1900s and today, they are commonly found at entertainment venues like amusement parks and sports stadiums.

How are Plastic Stadium Cups Used?

Because they make for excellent souvenirs and favors, plastic stadium cups are also used at family reunions, picnics and barbecues, weddings, birthday and holiday celebrations, baby showers and more. Although these cups are used to serve cold drinks, they can also double up as containers for holding food like popcorn, fruits, chips, and even ice cream. Remember not to use these cups for hot drinks as they can possibly ruin your cup. High temperatures can also cause chemicals to be released from the plastic cups and when consumed, these chemicals can be hazardous to our health.

If your plastic stadium cups are no longer in great condition, there are plenty of ways to reuse them. Here are some suggestions:

  • Grow a plant – add some greenery to your home or office desk by growing a plant in your stadium cup.
  • Use it as a scoop – fill your pet’s bowls with pet food by using an old stadium cup as a scoop
  • Organize your clutter – use old stadium cups to hold loose parts like screws, nuts and nails, or store makeup brushes or stationery in them.
  • Turn them into toys – there are no limits to a kid’s imagination. If you have a collection of unwanted stadium cups lying around, your child can use them for stacking, building structures, or as part of a kitchen play set.

Customize Plastic Stadium Cup Koozies from Koozee Crazee

If you’re looking for customized plastic stadium cups for your event, you should consider customizing cup koozies at Koozee Crazee instead. Not only are foam koozies more affordable, they are also functional. Our foam koozies are designed to provide insulation for your drink, and they can keep your beverage cold for up to 50 percent longer! To find out more about customizing cup koozies, get in touch with us today!
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