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What Can You Print Your Wedding Monograms On?

A wedding monogram is a popular element that the majority of couples choose to incorporate into their wedding invitation package. Wedding monograms can be used throughout the entire wedding like a logo to establish your wedding brand. They are highly versatile and can be used on almost every aspect of the wedding. Here are some of the ways that you can personalize your wedding through the use of monograms.

Wedding Invites

The obvious idea is to include wedding monograms on your invites. The monogram can be incorporated on its own or into a crest that can be positioned anywhere around the invites. You can choose to display it at the top of the invites or on your wedding itinerary card.

Envelope Liners

A custom monogrammed envelope liner adds a touch of flare regardless of whether your invites include a monogram. The envelope liner will be clearly visible right when your guests open up their invites to get a glimpse of your creativity.

Wedding Itinerary

Apart from your invitation package, you can also choose to display your wedding monogram on other paper goods that are presented to your guests like your wedding itinerary. Position it at the top of a classic program sheet or on the cover of the whole program booklet.

Cocktail Napkins

It is also fun to keep a consistent wedding branding by displaying your wedding monogram on cocktail napkins. This is a useful element of the wedding that your guests will not miss out on. Have the napkins handed out when cocktails are being served to really elevate your guests’ experience.

Frosted Cups

Frosted cups are another element that you can incorporate your wedding monogram into your wedding reception. The frosted cups will be more aesthetically pleasing as compared to presenting your guests with plain and empty frosted cups. Custom frosted cups are not just stunning but are just as practical.

Wedding Koozees

If your wedding serves canned or bottled drinks, print your wedding monogram on a wedding koozee. It protects your drinks to keep them cold for a much longer time. Koozees also create a protective layer that can prevent your bottled drinks from being smashed amidst all the fun and celebration. Your guests will have a more comfortable experience when holding their cold drinks.

Stir Sticks

You can incorporate your wedding monogram onto drink stir sticks. The space may be limited so you will have to decide on a design that best suits all the different elements of your wedding reception. These cute little stir sticks add an element of fun into your reception to spice up the cocktails that you serve.

Koozee Customization

To customize your wedding koozees, consult our professional designers to explore your options. Our process is straightforward yet highly thorough to enable you to achieve your design goals. We also offer plenty of design templates that you can refer to before incorporating your own ideas and concepts to add a personal touch. We are open to suggestions so rest assured that you will be able to get your design across through our guidance.
October 19, 2021 — SmartSites

What Are Some Popular Destination Wedding Favors?

Destination wedding favors are an ideal way to showcase your appreciation to your guests who have traveled a far distance and spent considerable costs to celebrate your big day. Most often than not, wedding favors just get left behind which is not something you would want to anticipate especially when you have spent some time coming up with the idea and quite a fortune ordering them. This is why we have put together a series of popular destination wedding favors that your guests are bound to appreciate and bring back home with them.

Welcome Bags

Welcome bags are one of the most popular wedding favors for guests and it comes with a good reason. Not only are welcome bags practical, but they also provide ample space for you to store some fun destination souvenirs that match the theme of your big day. If your wedding venue is in a tropical setting, you can include sun hats, sunscreen, water, and so on. The possibilities are endless and you can fully personalize your welcome bags to be as practical and personal as possible.

Welcome Letter and Itinerary

A welcome letter may be something simple but it is highly impactful. It can be added to your welcome bag where you can include your wedding itinerary. You can also add fun attractions that your guests can visit and offer some recommendations to popular dining spots and more to help them explore the area which some guests may not already be familiar with. A welcome letter adds a personal touch that you can add to your welcome bags to show your appreciation for their attendance.


If your big day is a beach wedding, you can present your guests with flip-flops. You can even customize them according to your wedding theme. You can imprint your initials and wedding date on the straps to add a personal touch for your guests to remember the event. Some guests may not have flip-flops with them as they may prefer to simply buy them at the wedding destination venue. However, with flip-flops offered to them as wedding favors, they will appreciate your efforts of saving them the hassle and cost.

Bottle or Can Sleeves

Bottle or can sleeves are also known as koozees. They are high in quality and can be personalized according to your wedding theme. You can choose to print your initials and wedding date on one side of the sleeves or on both to showcase your design ideas for a personal touch. Koozees are also great at keeping bottled and canned drinks cold which your guests can make use of right during the wedding itself. They will also appreciate the premium quality of our koozees and continue using them even at home. There are plenty of pre-printed wedding koozees for you to choose from or you can opt for custom can sleeves in the colors, styles, and sizes you prefer.

Regardless of your choice, always pick the right wedding favors that best match the theme of your big day. Wedding favors play an important role in the momentous affair and will forever be etched in the minds of your guests.
October 19, 2021 — SmartSites

The Advantages Of Using Custom Plastic Cups For Marketing

Custom plastic cups and cup sleeves are increasingly being used for marketing, but what actually makes them so ideal for this purpose? If you have been wondering how custom plastic cups and cup sleeves can help you with business exposure, there are some advantages of using them for marketing.

Low in Cost

Custom cups and cup sleeves can come as extremely cheap when compared to any other marketing tools. When purchased in bulk, they can even let you enjoy further savings without you being deprived of quality. Custom cups and cup sleeves are high in quality and can support prolonged and repeated use.

Custom Designs

Sometimes your marketing strategies may not be delivered directly to your target audience because your advertisements are not positioned at a place where they can easily take notice. With custom cups and cup sleeves, you are exposing your business right into your customer’s view. You can personalize your cups and cup sleeves to showcase your business slogan, logo, graphics, and more, to gain exposure for your business. When your customers reach out for a drink every other day, you get to further build on your professional reputation.

All Shapes and Sizes

There are plenty of shapes and sizes to choose from when personalizing custom cups and cup sleeves. You can choose from cup sleeves that can fit bottled drinks, slim canned drinks, and regular canned drinks. You can also choose to print on one side of the cup sleeves or on both sides to maximize the printing space so you can showcase all the important aspects of your business.

Durable Quality

Reusable custom cups and cup sleeves are high in quality to offer your customers prolonged durability that supports repeated use. The more your customers make use of your custom cups, the greater the exposure you gain for your business. The quality that we offer in our cup sleeves is top-notch to ensure you get the most value for each order.

Creating Impact

Customers are highly visual individuals. The first step to winning them over is to come up with a striking design that showcases your brand in the best light. To create a buzz and make an impact on your business, consult our professional designers to derive the most thoughtful layout that can help to translate your design into a personal connection with your customers. Depending on your target audience, our designers can provide you with expert advice on the best design approach to let you optimize your design fully. Our designers know the most effective concept that can evoke a positive emotion and appeal to your customers on a personal level. This will get your customers to relate to your business and in turn, help to increase your sales.

Custom Cup and Cup Sleeves Advantages

With all these benefits of incorporating custom cups and cup sleeves as part of your marketing strategies, it is important that you use them to your company’s advantage. For your next corporate event, add flare to your marketing by collaborating with Coldie Holdie for premium-grade promotional koozies to get the most out of the experience.
October 19, 2021 — SmartSites

Reasons To Choose Plastic Cups Over Glass Cups

Plastic cups are a blessing in disguise. They are not just lightweight and comfortable to use but are equally durable to offer safety of use by people of all ages. They are commonly used for various events and celebrations like weddings, corporate parties, birthdays, and others. Some people prefer using plastic cups over glass cups and below are some reasons why they are making this choice.

Saves Time

Plastic cups are often made available in the form of disposables. Thus, there is no cleaning up involved after usage. This helps event organizers save a lot of time as opposed to using glass cups that need to be washed at the end of the day. Event organizers are also able to save on manpower as they do not need to hire a dishwashing team.


When organizing a children’s party, many factors need to be taken into account. One of the most essential points is to ensure the safety of the children. By using plastic cups, the risk of the cups causing injury is greatly reduced to a bare minimum. Glass cups, on the other hand, are highly fragile, and shattered glass can cause injury. However, if your event requires the use of glass cups for that touch of elegance, make use of can koozees which can protect the glass from being smashed and keep your drinks cold for much longer.


Plastic cups are much cheaper than glass cups. They require cost-effective materials to manufacture, thus costing much lower than glass cups. The savings that you get to enjoy by buying plastic cups can be used for other essentials instead.


Plastic cups weigh much lesser than glass cups, thus being a much easier option to transport. It will require lesser manpower to deliver them and a smaller amount of space to store them.

Many Color Options

There is always a large variety of color options made available in stores when you choose plastic cups. This makes it so much easier to select the right color option to match the theme of the party or the style of the table setting.

Easily Accessible

Almost any store is bound to sell plastic cups. They are often sold in bulk as they are cheap to source for. Thus, you can easily get hold of a large number of plastic cups almost anywhere and even at the very last minute.

Making an Ideal Choice

Whichever type of cups that you prefer, be sure to always weigh in on the options that you have. If you prefer plastic cups, the abovementioned advantages are definitely worth sticking to your choice. However, if the event that you are organizing requires you to pick the glass cups, there are always durable and unique koozees available by the bulk at Koozee Crazee for all the protection you need!

October 19, 2021 — SmartSites

Benefits Of Using Personalized Plastic Cups For Your Event

Drinking from personalized plastic cups for any occasion can provide plenty of benefits. For companies, personalized plastic cups provide you with branding exposure which can be helpful during corporate events. Today, reusable personalized cups are gaining more traction in the community as people perceive them as a creative and unique gift idea that is ideal for any occasion. If you are thinking of customizing cups and cup sleeves, here are some reasons why you should indeed be going forward with your decision.

Sense of Appeal

Everybody enjoys taking a sip of their favorite beverages from a visually appealing cup. There are plenty of designs for you to choose from to match the personality of the individual to whom you are gifting the personalized cup. The designs are most often than not, made available in the forms of templates or can be fully customized according to your personal preferences. You will have ample of freedom to explore your options and let your creative juices flow. For branding exposure, select a design that best represents your business. Print logos, slogans, and graphics onto cups or cup sleeves and present them to the participants of your business event.


The landfills are gradually filling up to their brim with plastics. Making use of reusable cups can reduce the volume of wastes that we produce from using disposable plastic cups. You will be presented with a win-win situation as a business owner who gets to raise awareness regarding your firm while saving the earth from piling wastes. Investing in personalized cups and cup sleeves can help your business contribute towards efforts to make the earth a much greener place to live in.

Increasing Reputation

Reusable cups and cup sleeves can withstand the test of time. They can be reused repeatedly daily and that is also just how long your business will continue gaining free publicity. Your customers will be able to see the effort that you take in investing in high-quality products that do not just provide the comfort of use but are just as eco-friendly and cost-saving.

Maximizing Brand Exposure

Hydration is key for every individual regardless of the nature of our daily routine. The human body needs at least 11 to 15 cups of water daily to maintain optimal bodily functions. When you present your customers with personalized cups and cup sleeves, you are getting brand exposure each time your customer reaches out for a drink. This in turn provides you with the opportunity to maximize your brand exposure.

Creating Engagement

Personalized cups help to engage customers during a corporate event in a way that you cannot achieve through traditional marketing means. The personalized cups emphasize the importance of your business and its products and services to maintain constant exposure with your customers’ continued usage of the cups during the event. This will help to create brand resonance with your customers which can ultimately positively impact your marketing goals.

For personalized cup sleeves or better known as koozees, speak to our professional designers to help you incorporate your design ideas into your advertising strategies.

October 19, 2021 — SmartSites

Tips For Buying Personalized Stadium Cups

If you’ve landed on this page, you’re probably looking to make an event that you’re organizing a little more special. Having your logo, design, or event message printed on stadium cup as door gifts for your guests will definitely make your event stand out from the rest. Since cups are practical and functional, they’ll remind your guests about your event whenever they use them. Here are some tips for buying personalized stadium cups for your guests.

Why Buy Personalized Stadium Cups?

Personalized stadium cups make for excellent party favors or door gifts for just about any occasion – from high school athletic banquets, wedding receptions to business conferences. What makes them more valuable is the fact that they’re attractive and handy enough for guests to bring home to use.

On top of bringing back great memories of your event, fun and personalized stadium cups can be great conversation starters when friends come over or when you’re using one in the office. No matter what, you can be sure it’s a souvenir your guests will use even after your event.

What to Consider When Buying Personalized Stadium Cups

Here are a few considerations to keep in mind when buying and customizing your stadium cups:

  • Imprint options – Most cups support one-color imprints. If you’re looking for full-color custom cups, be sure to check with the salesperson if they have the full-color option beforehand.
  • Material – If you’re concerned about the health implications of using BPA plastic, make sure you select one that is BPA-free.
  • Lids – Not all cups come with a lid. If you would like a lid for your cup, you should find out if it is included or if it is offered at an additional cost.
  • Straws – This option is typically not provided in stadium cup orders, but it’s a feature we’re sure your guests would appreciate.
  • Insulation – Double wall cups provide better insulation compared to the standard single wall options, making this another great feature that your guests will love.
  • Quantity – The minimum order quantity ranges from as little as 10 to as many as 500 pieces. Remember to ask your salesperson if there’s any discounts when you are buying in bulk.
  • Capacity – Cups usually range from kid-friendly sizes of 8 oz all the way up to 27 oz. Decide on the size you need and ensure that the company carries them.
  • Country of manufacture – If you’re working on a tight deadline and need your cups soon, or are concerned about possible delays when you order them from overseas, do opt for cups that are printed in America.

Personalized Your Stadium Cups with Koozies from Koozee Crazee

At Koozee Crazee, we’re passionate about customizing cup koozies for your guests. Instead of going with double wall cups which tend to be more expensive, you can consider customizing your stadium cups by including koozies with them. Our foam koozies are designed to provide insulation for cups, and beverages can be kept cold for up to 50 percent longer! What’s more, not only can you get koozies for cups, but we also offer koozies for cans and bottles too. At Koozee Crazee, your options are endless!

To design your koozies, you can choose from our pre-printed designs or create your own! Our talented team of designers and koozee specialists are always eager to help you bring your vision to life. If you would like to create personalized stadium cup koozies, get in touch with us today!

September 24, 2021 — SmartSites

What You Need To Know About Plastic Stadium Cups

No event or social gathering is complete without awesome food and cold, refreshing beverages. At restaurants and bars, sports games, weddings, theme parks, celebrations or holiday parties, plastic stadium cups are commonly used as souvenirs or to hold drinks. They are also usually part of a beverage promotional deal where for instance, if you buy the cup with your drink, you’ll get free refills.  

What are Plastic Stadium Cups?

If you haven’t heard of the term “stadium cup”, chances are that you’ve probably seen one without realizing what it’s called. Stadium cups are typically sold together with the beverage of your choice. They are plastic drinkware that are decorated with catchy slogans or designs associated to an event. The prints on plastic stadium cups are often used as a form of marketing or business promotional tool. Usually, attendees of an event will keep the stadium cups as souvenirs. These cups often make for great conversation starters when the designs or text on them pique people’s interest.

As opposed to regular disposable cups which are only used once before they are being disposed of, plastic stadium cups are reusable cups. Although the concept of a stadium cup is a relatively modern one, stadium cups have actually been around for decades. The idea for stadium cups originated from disposable paper cups, which have been traced back to Imperial China in the second century. Stadium cups then made their way into American pop culture in the early 1900s and today, they are commonly found at entertainment venues like amusement parks and sports stadiums.

How are Plastic Stadium Cups Used?

Because they make for excellent souvenirs and favors, plastic stadium cups are also used at family reunions, picnics and barbecues, weddings, birthday and holiday celebrations, baby showers and more. Although these cups are used to serve cold drinks, they can also double up as containers for holding food like popcorn, fruits, chips, and even ice cream. Remember not to use these cups for hot drinks as they can possibly ruin your cup. High temperatures can also cause chemicals to be released from the plastic cups and when consumed, these chemicals can be hazardous to our health.

If your plastic stadium cups are no longer in great condition, there are plenty of ways to reuse them. Here are some suggestions:

  • Grow a plant – add some greenery to your home or office desk by growing a plant in your stadium cup.
  • Use it as a scoop – fill your pet’s bowls with pet food by using an old stadium cup as a scoop
  • Organize your clutter – use old stadium cups to hold loose parts like screws, nuts and nails, or store makeup brushes or stationery in them.
  • Turn them into toys – there are no limits to a kid’s imagination. If you have a collection of unwanted stadium cups lying around, your child can use them for stacking, building structures, or as part of a kitchen play set.

Customize Plastic Stadium Cup Koozies from Koozee Crazee

If you’re looking for customized plastic stadium cups for your event, you should consider customizing cup koozies at Koozee Crazee instead. Not only are foam koozies more affordable, they are also functional. Our foam koozies are designed to provide insulation for your drink, and they can keep your beverage cold for up to 50 percent longer! To find out more about customizing cup koozies, get in touch with us today!
September 24, 2021 — SmartSites

Tips For Designing The Perfect Custom Cups

Whether you’re trying to personalize a wedding or promote your business, serving drinks to your guests in custom cups or giving them out as gifts is a great way to set your event apart from others. Make your event more special and memorable by designing the perfect custom cups for your guests now!

Benefits of Designing Your Own Custom Cups

A custom cup makes for a great party favor for any occasion – birthdays, graduations, Christmas gatherings – the list goes on. On top of people associating you with their favorite beverage and fun gatherings, it is an excellent way to add a personal touch to your event that guests are likely to remember for years to come.

If you’re a business owner, custom koozies can become a perfect business promotional tool due to their affordability. When purchased in bulk, you can gain effective exposure for your brand. When people pose with your cup koozies at parties and upload them online, your brand has the potential to reach hundreds of people who view the photos.

Designing Custom Cups for Your Guests

Understanding the benefits of getting custom cups for an event is not enough, you should also find out how to design one that will add value to your occasion. To design custom cups that stand out and are relatable to your guests, the first step is to understand your target audience, namely your guests. Will these custom cups be given out at an office department party or a wedding reception? Groups of people usually share some things in common that set their dynamics apart from others – inside jokes that only the people in your department can relate to, or lingo that is used in a particular industry.

Understanding your guests well or sussing out similar interests or commonalities in your target audience will make the design process easier for you. Hence, do put some thought into learning more about them – you can consider their group dynamics and age group too. If you’re out of ideas, you can always get inspiration from the artists or entrepreneurs around you. However, you should never use their designs or text directly; modify them to suit your guests or occasion instead. At the end of the day, it’s all about connecting with your audience or guests in a personal and authentic way.

Customize Your Cups with Foam Koozies

With so many ways to go about customizing a cup, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. You may feel less pressured if you work with a professional company who can help with the design and handle the production of your custom cups.

At Koozee Crazee, we’re passionate about customizing koozies for your special occasions. If you would like to get customized cup koozies, we can definitely work with you to design and create a one-of-a-kind koozie to suit your needs. You can choose from our pre-printed designs or design your own custom cup koozie – our talented designers and koozee specialists will work with you to bring your vision to life! Either way, we’ve got both you and your cup covered! If you have any inquiries about our range of products and services, don’t hesitate to contact us today.
September 24, 2021 — SmartSites

Paper Vs. Plastic Cups For Weddings

Every great wedding reception has three things in common – delicious food, wonderful people and a great bar. Due to the convenience they offer, disposable cups are ubiquitous at weddings, and this is especially so when they take place at exotic locations. However, the age-old question still stands – paper or plastic? As a host, you’ll want to make environmentally responsible choices and with the movement to reduce the usage of single use paper cups, you might even feel pressurized to do so. Let’s do a comparison and find out if it’s better to use paper or plastic cups for weddings.

The Early Days of Disposable Cups

The modern paper cup was developed for hygienic purposes in the early 20th century. And as the world learns to cope with COVID-19 today, they are still being used for the same safety reasons. The roots of paper cups can be traced to the end of the American Civil War, where plain old drinking water had become progressively popular due to the growing temperance movement. Activists had dotted cities with water fountains and traveled bar to bar in temperance wagons, offering water as the healthier alternative to liquor or beer. In those days, regardless of where people drank from, they did so from communal cups.

Simultaneously, Americans were learning about the germ theory of disease. Among them, Lawrence Luellen, a Boston lawyer, was disturbed by the now-obvious health hazards posed by communal cups. As such, he came up with the idea of using paper cups that were meant to be used once and disposed of thereafter – there should not be any sharing of cups.

When the Spanish flu swept around the world in 1918 and claimed the lives of about 100 million people, germaphobes were suddenly no longer alone in their phobia against germs. Before long, the disposable culture has permeated the American culture. Disposable cups are here to stay and this has led to the common use of paper and plastic cups for weddings, birthday parties, and other communal events.

Environmental Impact of Manufacturing Paper and Plastic

As people now push to put an end to single-use plastic disposables, many businesses are switching to paper products, but is this alternative better for the environment?

Paper products are made from trees. Trees reduce our atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, thereby countering the effects of carbon emissions made by man; they give us a fighting chance against global warming. When we create more paper products, we are actually talking about deforestation which ultimately causes harm to the environment.

Plastic is made from petroleum byproducts, meaning they’re made from materials that have been extracted and processed for other purposes.

Compared to plastics, producing paper products requires more water and energy. When it comes to recycling paper, the process is even more resource-intensive. Additionally, paper products are heavier than plastic and will require more fuel to transport – seven trucks are needed to transport two million paper bags while only one is needed for the same number of plastic bags. This also translates to the larger amount of waste going to the landfill once paper is being disposed of.

Paper or Plastic Cups for Weddings?

Based on what has been discussed, it would seem like paper products are not viable for business owners and the environment. Not only are they more expensive, but they also leave a greater carbon footprint. If you’re planning a wedding, which would you go with?

September 24, 2021 — SmartSites

Ordering Guidelines For Plastic Wedding Cups

With all the nitty gritty details that bridal couples and wedding planners have to handle and worry about, convenience is always much appreciated. This is probably one of the reasons why plastic wedding cups are so widely used these days. If you are intending to order plastic wedding cups for your special day, and have questions about quantity, types, and sizes, we’re help to help! Here are some ordering guidelines for wedding cups.

Types of Plastic Wedding Cups

Knowing the characteristics of different types of plastic cups will allow us to choose the most suitable one for our needs. Since the options are endless, we have compiled some important cup features that you should consider:

  • Biodegradable – Typically made of Polylactic Acid (PLA) that is derived from cornstarch, you can find bioplastic cups in various shapes and sizes. However, do note that biodegradable cups can only be used for cold beverages due to their material, which is as light and strong as regular plastic cups.
  • Eco-friendly – These are made from post-consumer recycled or recycled plastic content derived from an end product that would otherwise have been disposed of as a solid waste product.
  • Polystyrene – This high-impact material is sturdy, shatterproof, and flexible, and is designed for use with cold beverages.
  • Heavy-duty, hard wall – For a high-end option that still provides convenience, turn to hard wall plastic cups with shatter-resistant rigid walls.
  • Heavy-duty, flexible – Made from Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET), this has a medium wall construction that flexes but remains crack-resistant.
  • Thin wall – For an economical option, these durable cups made of polypropylene are a great alternative to PET clear plastic cups.

What to Consider When Ordering Plastic Wedding Cups

Here are a few common questions to guide you when it comes to ordering cups for your wedding reception:

  • How many cups do I need for a wedding?
    One cup per hour per guest is a safe estimate. It’s also important to remember that it isn’t just your guests who’ll need a drink. During an outdoor event, vendors can get a little thirsty too, so include enough cups to ensure that everyone stays hydrated throughout the event. Here’s a tip for serving water: to make sure guests don’t go through too many cups, offer water bottles to them instead.
  • What size should I order?
    Common sizes and uses for wedding cups are as follows:
    • 8 oz to 9 oz cups are ideal for punch or ice cream.
    • 10 oz to 12 oz cups are the smallest size recommended for wine and are the standard size you’ll see at most events.
    • 14 oz to 16 oz cups are perfect for serving beverages like beer, soft drinks, or Sangria.

Customizing Your Plastic Wedding Cups

Customizing your wedding cups will add a nice personal touch to your special day. If you’re looking to customize your cups, why not design koozies for them? Not only are koozies a more affordable way of customizing wedding cups, the lead time for getting them ready for your event is shorter too. It doesn’t take much time to decide on a design – not when you have so many templates or pre-printed options to choose from – and get your koozies printed.

Let Koozee Crazee Create Koozies for Your Wedding Cups

Whether you’re interested in having cans, bottles, or solo cups at your wedding, our foam koozies can be customized to fit them. Keep your drinks cool for up to 50 percent longer! We specialize in custom-printed wedding koozies in all styles and colors. If you have inquiries about our range of products and services, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

September 24, 2021 — SmartSites