Koozee Crazee Koozies
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Many people may have heard of koozies before but never really contemplated using one. Maybe you have just never bought or received one, or think it is too much trouble to locate a koozie every time you want to have a cold drink. However, there are numerous benefits of using a koozie, especially during big events such as parties. Interested? Read on to find out more.

Keeps Your Drink Cold for Longer

We are all familiar with the condensation droplets that form on cans and bottles. The process of condensation is what causes drinks to warm up, and this process is sped up by the warmth of your hand. With a koozie, condensation is slowed down. It comes with the additional benefit of protecting your hand from a cold can or bottle straight out of the fridge. This can be an uncomfortable experience especially during the colder months!

Protects Surfaces of Tables

When condensation droplets form, they will inevitably wet the surface they are on, which is usually a table. When that happens, unsightly water rings can form and materials such as wood can be damaged over time. This problem can be prevented with a simple koozie.

Unique Identifier of Drinks

We have all been there – no sooner have you set down your drink during an event, that you are unable to identify which one is yours. This is particularly true if only the same few beverages are on offer. With a koozie, you no longer have this problem. You will be able to tell which drink is yours instantly. Event hosts may want to consider handing out a variety of custom koozies at the start of a party. Firstly, you no longer have to worry about mistakenly drinking from someone else’s can or bottle and secondly, no more drinks going to waste because no one is sure if it’s theirs!

Protection for Cans and Bottles

It’s inevitable during large events that drinks get spilled. That is not even the worst part: when the bottle containing it shatters, it has to be cleaned up hurriedly or risk posing a safety hazard. However, if the bottle is cushioned by a koozie, the likelihood of it shattering is reduced significantly. Chances are, the drink is still going to spill, but the safety of your guests will not be compromised by bits of glass on the floor.


With all the benefits listed above, you would expect to pay a pretty high price for a koozie. However, that is not so as koozies are relatively cheap, especially if purchased in bulk for an event.

Get Koozies for Your Cans and Bottles

Are you looking for koozies for use at a mass event? Whether you are looking for can koozies, bottle koozies or more, we have it all at Koozee Crazee. We stock pre-printed designs for weddings and holidays but if you prefer to design your own, we can cater to all needs and preferences. Please do not hesitate to contact us at Koozee Crazee today for a quote and/or recommendation.
February 12, 2021 — SmartSites